Friday, April 27, 2018

What is Pega RPA - Pega Robotics

Pega Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate repetitive tasks directly from your Pega 7 application. By using RPA with your application, you can process large volumes of cases faster and with fewer errors compared with manual case processing. You can configure the automations using  Pega Robotics Automation Studio.

OpenSpan is an automation tool which helps to integrate desktop applications without writing code.

It's main objective is to Automate manual processes such as copying and pasting between applications.

This is similar to other automation tools like UIPath, BluePrism, Automation Anywhere etc.
OpenSpan is now owned by Pega. 

You can find openspan core training in pega’s website PDN -> academy -> my self study

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Blue Prism Interview Questions - RPA

Q: How to perform surface automation technique?

In order to integrate with a thin client application we must redefine the application surface as a series of rectangles or regions.
Launch the application from Application Modeller if you haven’t already done so.
Select the Calculator Screen element and click the Identify Element button.
Press the ALT key to cycle through the different spy modes, stopping at Region mode.
Move the mouse over the application to see that it highlights elements much in the same way as Win32
Using the identification tool select the entire Calculator application (as above) and CTRL left click to open the Region Editor.

Q: What is sendkeys in thin client applications?

In controlling the application we have learnt how to create regions and use the mouse to click on the region. Typically however a user will need to also send keystrokes to the application.
Normally in Blue Prism you would use the Write stage to send data to an application. This is not possible with a thin client application though, (remember it is a virtual application that does not really exist on the local machine) so we must send keystrokes to the application. To do this we use the Global SendKeys method.
Q: Exception bubbling:

It is a concept ofhandlingthe exception.  When and where exception will be handled?
Many times when you catch exception, do not want them to be handled during that time. Rather you would like to propagate the same to the caller and let the caller handle the same. For such kind of scenarios we use exception bubbling.
For instance if you have raised exception in a business class, you would probably like to bubble it to the UI so that it can be displayed in a message box for the end user.

Q: BP Limitations:

OCR. It can’t identify or recognize the signature related images.
Q:   Reading of HTML content dynamically using BP. If we have dynamic table in web page, how will you identify the content?  

It can be handled in the Application Modeller itself. Verifying path property of selected HTML element and check for “<tr><td>” tags in the Application Modeller.

Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers

Q:  Thin client vs. thick client

Thick client:
·         The software will be installed in the pc.
·         There won't be much processing via the network.
·         Thick client is window application.
·         Thick client is Software based.
Thin client:
·         Thin client is browser based or is a web based.
·         Thin client there is no need of software to be installed in the pc to create a report.(Eg:WebI,CMC)

Q: How to spy mainframe elements

Mainframe applications are spied by identifying rectangular areas of the screen

The operation to capture mainframe elements is slightly different to spying other applications. First the grid must be created by holding CTRL and clicking on the application. With the grid in place, the mouse is used to drag and select rectangular areas.
Q: How to spy the elements

Application Modeller spies elements as the mouse is moved over the application window. Details of an element can be captured by holding the CTRL key and clicking the left mouse button
Q: Exception handling

Recover and Resume are stages used to attempt to salvage and move on from an exception.

Resume stage neutralizes the exception

Blur Prsim Automation Interview Questions

Q:   Anything can be automated using Blue Prism? 

·         Rule based
·         Digitalized
·         Continuity in actions
·         Part automation is also possible using the triggers. For Ex:
Ø  Step 1 to 10 Automated
Ø  Blue Prism triggers an event to Manual user (May be an email trigger)
Ø  Manual user completes the Step 11 and trigger the event back to Automation process (BP)
Ø  BP will continue from Step 12 to 15 and completes the automation

     Q:  What are different types of execution Modes Available for an Object ?

Run mode determines how a Process can be run in relation to other Processes. Run mode is defined in the Business Objects (and therefore by the applications) a Process uses and is designed to safeguard Processes getting in the way of each other.
Run mode is set on a tab in the properties window of the Business Object information stage on the Initialize page. 

There are three possible run modes.

·         Exclusive: An exclusive Process must run on its own and cannot run at the same time as any other Processes.
·         Foreground: A foreground Process can only run alongside other background Processes, but only one foreground Process can run at a time.
·         Background: A background Process can run alongside other Processes, as long as they are background or foreground Processes.

The run mode order of precedence is Exclusive, Foreground, Background.

Q: What are the benefits of RPA?

·         Cost Saving and increases speed
·         Reducing work force
·         Productivity and Efficiency
·         Accuracy
·         Scalability: A robotic workforce can be as large or as small as you need it to be, and additional robots can be deployed quickly for no extra cost,
Q:  What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation?)

Robotic Automation aims to use a computer (a.k.a. robot) to manipulate existing application software (CRMs, ERPs, help desk and claim applications) in the same way that a person works with those systems and the presentation layer to perform a specific task.
 It automates rule-based processes without the need for constant human supervision.
The key to RPA is identifying processes which can be automated using certain basic rules.
Blue Prism is a very effective tool.  However, there are two things to understand
First, the tool does not have a "code view".  Everything is abstracted through a flow-chart interface.  Second, Blue Prism does not have a record feature.  Instead users are expected to map out processes manually with SME's before entering anything in the tool, then use the process/procedure maps to enter the process into Blue Prism.
Irrespective of how an application is presented (terminal emulator, thick client, thin client, web browser, Citrix and web services)
BP provides the ability to automate any application (e.g. SAP, Lotus, Office, Exchange, custom applications).
Q: Why Robotic Process Automation?

BPOs and shared services that use large scale, high-volume human labor, with an intrinsic exigency for productivity and cost efficiency, RPA technology adds impetus to business innovation and profitability.
It enables organizations to configure software robots that automate manual and repetitive rule-based tasks at a fraction of the cost of their human equivalent
 Robots are easy to train and see the interface like a human. They can act as automated assistants and are designed to collaborate with humans while permanently reporting on progress.