Monday, September 30, 2013

Tools for developing iOS Application

Following are tools to develop IOS Application. For some of the tools you need to know Objective-C language.Also, you need to have Mac OS environment for developing and publishing it into Appstore.
  • PhoneGap
  • MobiOne
  • XCode
  • MobileRoadie
  • AppMakr

What is App Part in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint 2013, we have App Parts like Web Parts.

Difference between App part and a Web part is that an App part uses an IFRAME to render the content on the page. App part does not have any ascx file like web part.

The Web parts are executed on the server side and App parts are executed on the client side.

Let me know if there are any other differences.

Learn A to Z Tamil through English

Easy to learn Tamil

Below links contain lot of information about the Tamil words and Sentences.Follow the link:


REST Basics

REST is Representational state transfer

REST is light weight protocol.

Using SOAP we can get only XML. Using REST You can send and receive data as JSON, XML

REST is nothing but an URL. Just type the URL on the browser, you can get the related information based how you structured the URL

REST uses GET, POST and PUT methods to send and receive data.

Let's say there is a website called Users who are access the web site can see a variety of infromation by visiting website and clicking on the some of the links. wants to provide services to other Web applications by exposing its information through REST.

So, instead of visiting website and retrieve information, you can directly get information using a URL invocation in your web application.

For example, returns an information about particular item id = 100

Ex: Twitter provides a REST API

Code sample to Access data using SQLite

Sample code written to access the data using SQLite.


        string apppath = Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "AppData");

        string fullPath = Path.Combine(apppath, "test.s3db");


        Con = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", fullPath);       

        SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(conread);
        string comand = "select * from tbl";
        SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(cmd, Con);
        SQLiteDataAdapter adapt = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable("tbl");
        dataGrid1.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;

How to open DLL file?

Use Reflector or Ildasm

Covert C# code to VB.NET or VB.NET to c# code

Sunday, September 29, 2013

how to start using windows server 2012

First time when I was stared working on Windows Server 2012, I did not find Start button. Also, It was bit confusing for me how to operate windows 2012 server. Later after doing some research, I found it easy to to work on windows server 2012

Move the mouse cursor to start button position to normal start button position and hold the cursor for a while. Now you can able to bring up the Start menu.

If you move your cursor over the right side of the desktop until a bar appears. Then you can start playing with your server.

It will be helpful to someone who is going to get into windows server 2012.

SharePoint 2013 Interview Questions - Part 1

1. How the Delegate control are useful in SharePoint What are the new delegate controls in SharePoint 2013?
2. What is 15 Hive in sharepoint 2013?
3. How do you create features in sharepoint?
4. How do you implement form authentication?
5. What is kerberos authentication? What are it advantages?
6. What is custom action?
7. What are the Authentication methods available in sharepoint 2013?
8. What is content search webpart?
9. What is an App in SharePoint? How do you deploy app?
10. What is OAtuh and OData?

Speech to Text Script

You can add speech-to-text and text-to-speech to your website. Using speechapi.


It is available in different languages like PHP, Java, Python, etc


Create Hello Word Example using Visual Studio 2013 RC:

How to ceate a newsletter using MS Word

Its Simple.

1. Open MS Word

2. Select Office Button - New Document - Go to Newsletter Category - Select a template - Click Download button

3.Edit Information(text/images) according to requirement.

4. Save the Newsletter and send it across.